Montevideo city landfill project performed for the International Public Bid Nº 265/2007 called by the Municipality of Montevideo, Uruguay, under the heading: " Specific bidding conditions ruling the call for an international public bid for the project, construction and operation of a domestic solid waste final disposal landfill and biogas recovery for energy production”.
- Preliminary project of all the units described in the bidding documents for Teyma Uruguay S.A.:
- Enlargement, construction and operation of an urban domestic waste landfill and its waterproofing.
- Remediation of a non-operative landfill´s cap.
- Leachate treatment plant design.
- Biogas capture and transportation systems and related power generation units.
- Construction debris treatment plant.
- Recycling plant.
- Complete Project of electrical and antiexplosive facilities.
- The project was developed within the framework of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the World Bank, for energy recovery from biogas.